

Bambusa multiplex Silverstripe - Green Hedge Clumping Bamboo

If you are looking for a bamboo that will provide a dense screen, buffer wind, block sound and tolerate winter temperatures that dip into the high teens, Bambusa multiplex Silverstripe is the bamboo for you.  This extremely functional bamboo is also one of the least expensive bamboos we stock, which makes it ideal for long fence lines or perimeter plantings.  

The clump of multiplex that our daughter Jenny is kneeling next to was planted in 2002 from a 3-gal size plant with only one single cane.  Over the years as the root system developed, new shoots appeared around that first cane to form what soon became a leafy, thick cold-hardy clump of sound-, sight- and wind-buffering bamboo.  Looking at how it looks now, it's hard to believe that large clump started with just one single cane.  But it did!

Multiplex has been a landscape fixture for decades in many southeastern states.  It is often found surrounding the perimeter of old homesteads, especially here in Florida.  When we first moved to our property, we planted extensive stands of Green Hedge.  Those that were planted in rich, peaty soil grew huge while the ones we planted at the same time in sandy, nutrient-poor soil grew about a third as tall as their rich-soil counterparts.  The smaller plants are still healthy, they just grew slower due to the less rich soil. 

Below are four pictures of multiplex that show how quickly a 3-gal size plant with just one cane can grow into a large verdant clump.

The one-month-old multiplex above started out with just one cane - the smaller one to the left. The cane on the right appeared shortly after it was planted.  Below are two more pictures of the same plant after it has been in the ground for one year:

Notice that some of the new shoots are yellow with green stripes.  As the culms mature, they lose the yellow color and turn green.  However, sometimes a bit of striping remains lower down on the culm.  The young leaves are often striped as well, as can be seen in the forefront of the picture below.  That's what gives this particular strain of Bambusa multiplex the name "Silverstripe."

The same one-year-old bamboo seen from afar, below:

Below are two pictures of mature fence line plantings of Bambusa multiplex Silverstripe bamboos.  Both plantings started with lines of 3-gal size plants spaced 10' apart.  The bottom photo was taken when the stand was about 5 years old.  The top photo with our son Toby standing next to the bamboo, was taken when the bamboo and Toby were both about 9 years old.  They say kids grow up fast but bamboo grows up faster!



  1. Looks great! I should receive two plants of Silver Stripe very soon and I hope they will get that big fast! I need to block a woman living next door who has nothing better to do than staring at me all day!

  2. Just picked up five (3 gallon) silver stripe plants and planted them about four feet apart along a 30' stretch along the back of my pool screen to block an annoying a/c system sound and large house. The stripes are tiny now but I have high expectations (pun intended). Will post pictures as they start to sprout. Right now I am excited that it rained about two inches today, providing the plants a nice welcome to my backyard. - Rob

  3. Bamboo loves rain. We're also excited by how much precipitation we're getting. Can't wait to see how many new shoots appear over the next few day. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos, Rob. You planted at the perfect time!

  4. Well it's been a little over one year and my how the bambusa has grown! I will try to post a pic when I can but boy when it starts to grow, watch out!!! - rob ;)

  5. The way bamboo grows is amazing. Until you've watched your own bamboo plants turn from single-caned starts to multi-caned clumps it's hard to believe how full the plants can get in such a relatively short time. I'm glad to know your young'ns have done so well and look forward to seeing your before and after shots.

  6. Will Silverstripe have mostly solid green leaves, just some striped new ones? I want solid deep green. Thanks!

  7. I want to order the green hedge clumping as soon as I figure how to. I will email you folks. Thanks. Gary Loucks

    1. Ordering is easy, Gary. Just give us a call at 352-429-2425 and we will give you a quote. Payment by credit card. Plants will be shipped by FedEx and arrive within a few days.

    2. Hi, I work for a company called SilverStripe. It'd be great to have some of this bamboo growing in our offices. Would it cope being indoors? Also do you ship to New Zealand? Would our customs accept it?

    3. Unfortunately we are not able to ship to New Zealand but you might want to check with the New Zealand Bamboo Society, They should be able to help.

  8. Just got some yesterday they are in a 3 gal container cant wait to sse what it can do i live in the desert and the wind can be fierce and the neighbors are nosy so i sure hope this is the trick thanks for the info folks ill be checking back later to see how all of yours are doing as well

  9. How close to a chain link fence can this be? I want it as close to the fence as possible.

    1. The green hedge should be given some space. Planting should be 3-6' off of the fence. Even at this distance, canes will be touching the fence due to the "V" growing shape. If you need something of a more upright plant, consider the graceful or Asian lemon. Please contact us at the nursery for more information 352-429-2425 or

  10. I'm looking for a clumping bamboo that grows 20' tall but leaves from ground up to 20'. I saw it today but don't know the type. You couldn't really see the canes for the foilage.

    1. We have graceful, Asian lemon, baby blue, and golden hedge that would all be about 15'-25' tall depending on growing conditions. You may contact us at the nursery for more information or (352)429-2425.

  11. I'm interested in planting a silverstripe clumping bamboo hedge. Is it possible to get this variety to grow more upright (not v shaped) with leaves throughout the height of the plant? I've seen pictures that suggest it's possible, but I'm afraid I'll end up with bare stalks at the bottom that are growing at an angle.

    1. It will require a bit more upkeep, but I think it's doable. It may take longer for it to fill in just because you would be trimming out the stalks that are growing at more of an angle. You could also keep the stalks trimmed back that aren't growing the way you want which would encourage lower leaf production. As long as you plant them in a sunny location you should still get the thickness you're looking for.
