

Creating a poolside tropical retreat with Beautiful Bamboo

A customer in Kissimmee wanted to create a tropical look for his outside poolside area so he came to Beautiful Bamboo.  We helped him select various sized bamboo poles, reed fencing and bamboo fencing.

With the assistance of a talented local craftsman, our customer's outside sitting area was transformed from an ordinary patio to an extraordinarily beautiful tropical retreat.

Walls, ceiling and trim - all covered with bamboo products

Even the light fixtures are made with bamboo

Rolls of reed fencing and bamboo fencing made easy-to-install wall and ceiling coverings

Next project:  a bamboo floor!


  1. You have such a great job and your expertise serves this area well.

  2. Thank you, Millie. So kind of you to say. We love bamboo (I think you already guessed that!) and love sharing our passion with others.
