

Bamboo flute making workshop

Beautiful Bamboo employee, Ryan Stauffer, loves bamboo almost as he loves making music.

Music and bamboo affectionado, Ryan Stauffer

Ryan combines his two interests by creating a variety of musical instruments out of bamboo including didgeridoos and several sizes of flutes.

Ryan playing one of his long flutes

Ryan recently shared his skills with a group of homeschooling students who attended a bamboo flute-making class at Beautiful Bamboo nursery.

What better place to learn bamboo flute-making skills than in the middle of a grove of bamboo! 

It was a busy afternoon but much was accomplished.  By the time the workshop ended, each attendee had made his or her own bamboo flute and was ready to take their beautiful new flutes home to practice.

Ryan will be conducting another bamboo flute-making workshop at Beautiful Bamboo nursery this spring.  Dates and time to be announced shortly.  The fee for the workshop, which includes all materials and is open to all ages, is $40 per person.

To reserve a spot in the next workshop please call 352-429-2425.

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