

How do you transport tall bamboo plants?

Although we offer delivery services as well as installation, many of our customers opt to take their bamboo home themselves.  In those cases, we put a lot of care into properly wrapping the leaves and securing the plants so they arrive home in good condition.   If you want to transport bamboos in your own vehicle, remember to bring along plenty of wrapping material.  Tarps, old sheets and even blankets will work.  It's also important to have on hand rope, bungee cords, straps or twine to secure that we can use to secure the wrapping material.

This extra-tall 15-gal plant extended far beyond the trailer of a customer from Dade City.  Note how the leaves have been wrapped in a tarp and secured with twine.              
You don't need a trailer to transport tall bamboos...

The back of an SUV or even a car will do

Even if it means the bamboo will sometimes have to extend out a window and around the front hood...

Tightly wrapped in sheets the bamboo is ready for the ride to its new home.

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