

Elephant Leg Bamboo Poles

The two poles on the right are freshly cut Moso poles that have not been kiln dried or hand torched like the four poles on the left.  Green poles are available by special order only.

Notice how the space between the nodes changes from bottom to top.  Toward the base, the space between the nodes is only a couple inches wide but toward the top the space is a half-a-foot or more.


  1. Hi
    I live in south florida and would like to plant some bamboo on my property. What I have in mind is some ELEPHANT LEG' BAMBOO would you sell some to me? Or do you have a connection who would?


    1. Elephant leg bamboo is a type of running bamboo called Moso, (Phyllostachys edulis). Unfortunately, Moso is a temperate bamboo and needs a cooler climate that you have in South Florida. In this country, it typicall grows in climates found in SC, GA, AL, etc, but not as far south as FL. If you are looking for a large-caned bamboo that does do well in hot temperatures, you might consider a clumping bamboos like Bambusa oldhamii. For more information, please contact Jennifer at the nursery, 352-429-2425.

  2. I noticed you have some running bamboo listed that gets larger in diameter than Bambusa oldamii. For construction purposes, would you still recommend the Oldamii for growing? Or would something like the Japanese Madake work as well? I am worried about something running too far as my property is surrounded by neighbors. I live near Winter Garden, FL, so the same basic climate as your business.
    Thank you, Tim

  3. Hi Tim - our 'Elephant Leg' poles are a larger diameter than Oldhamii but we don't grow them here in Central Florida. That species of running bamboo P.aurea, never reaches the diameter it can reach in cooler parts of the country. Therefore, I wouldn't suggest growing it in Winter Garden, especially in a small lot. If you are looking for a large diameter bamboo to grow in your area for construction purposes, I'd recommend Oldhamii or Emerald Timber Bamboo, two clumping varieties with excellent strength and straight canes. Running varieties grow larger in cool climates while clumping (tropical) bamboos do better in warm parts of the world. However, if you still want to try growing your own, we sell both aurea and madake running bamboos at our nursery. Since you're not far away, stop by some day to check out our demonstration gardens where you can see mature specimens of all the bamboos we sell, as well as a wide variety of poles for building purposes. We're open everyday except Sunday from 8am to 4pm or by appointment.

  4. I only need 3 or 4 poles for decor in my home. Do you sell them individually?

    1. Yes, we do sell our poles individually. We also ship all over the U.S. Please contact us at the nursery for pricing on shipping 352-429-2425 or
