

Photos of Seabreeze Mid-size Timber Bamboo - Bambusa malingensis

Below is a picture of Jenny standing in front of a 5-year-old stand of Seabreeze.  Seabreeze is one of the most prolific clumping bamboos sending up more new shoots every year than most other clumpers.  It also can grow to be quite tall.  This stand is about 40' tall with closely spaced culms forming a dense impenetrable cluster of canes.


Below is an example of how densely clustered Seabreeze roots grow.  Note the new shoots beginning to emerge from the plant base.  In less than 2 months those beginning shoots will have reached a height of over 40 feet.

The photo below gives a good indication of what a tall, broad clump of bamboo can form out of a single Seabreeze cane.  The plant pictured below is four years old.  Like all of the bamboos in our demonstration line, it started as a single cane in a 3-gal size container.  The secret to fast growth is to plant bamboo in rich soil, irrigate it and give it regular applications of fertilizer.   Do that and you will be rewarded with big beautiful bamboos in only a few years.

Below is a photo of a 1-year-old Seabreeze hedge. The three individual plants that form the hedge all started out as single canes in 3-gal size containers.  They were spaced  5' apart to demonstrate how quickly (in just one growing season) Seabreeze can form a wall of green.


  1. Great work Beautiful Bamboo. We invite you to see our blog and website.
    We are a design firm in India who have a rich history in implementing bamboo as a building material, economic progress, as well as bringing artistry back to rural India. Enjoy, and we were excited to view your blog, and work.

  2. hey guys, thank you for all your help yesterday! im excited about my new seabreeze and cant wait to see it take off. here is a pic right after i planted it. thanks again!

  3. Some of my shoots are zig-zagged -- not a straight shoot, but rather angled at each culm. Is that normal?

    1. certain bamboos are known for their zig-zagged canes. occasionally a bamboo that normally has straight canes will send out an oddly shaped one but if it does, it's not a sign of any problem. i'm curious to know what kind of bamboo you have and if it's a running or clumping variety.

  4. Looking into a clumping bamboo privacy hedge for Orlando -- your blog has been so helpful! We want to plant a fast growing hedge along a fence line that has electrical wires about 15 ft above. Our main goal is to block the view of the neighboring property above our 6 ft fence. Is it true that we can "top off" any bamboo species to stop vertical growth into the wires? Or should we limit ourselves to dwarf varieties? I was looking at the golden hedge for fast growth but the sea breeze is beautiful. Thank you!

    1. You will want to stay below those electrical wires. The golden goddess or lady finger would both work. You can go with something a little larger, such as graceful, golden hedge, or Asian lemon, if you would like to top them. These will only reach 20-25' tall. I would not go with a variety such as seabreeze, that wants to be 35-40' tall.
      Please feel free to visit us at our nursery Monday-Saturday from 8-4 at 18404 S.R. 19, Groveland FL 34736. It is the best way to get a true feel of what the plants will look like when mature.

    2. Thanks, Jennifer. We're saving up for the investment but will plan to come visit when we're ready to buy. Hopefully in the next month or two so that we can take full advantage of the growing season.

    3. We look forward to meeting you.

  5. loved the place,went and got some good starts today. Very nice selection and very well kept. I will be back and we enjoyed the visit today totally ! Great place.

  6. Hello. I purchased a 3-gal seabreeze that, after about 3 months, grew a new cane, which is now 5 feet high. It is growing in a pot outdoors. Another cane appears to be poking out above the soil. Both of them are coming out at sharp angles --about 40-45 degree relative to the ground. Is this normal, and is there a way to make the canes grow straight up? At 40-45 degree, there's not enough room around the outside of the pot.

    1. Bamboo will reach toward the sun light. It is possible that this is what is happening. You may tie them loosely to encourage more upright growth. You may also trim canes once they have begun to leaf out. The seabreeze will become more upright as it matures if given the space to do so. You may find the seabreeze, which grows very fast, will quickly outgrow a container. Please feel free to contact us at the nursery for more information 352-429-2425 or
