

Photos of Angel Mist Timber Bamboo (Dendrocalamus minor amoenus)

Our daughter, Jenny, peeks through a 3-year-old
stand of Angel Mist.
 (Photo above and below)
Angel Mist culms surrounded by a groundcover of wandering jew and fallen culm covers
 Below: A close up of a "young" Angel Mist cane
 New shoots appear from May through October
Our son, Toby, stands next to a 2-year-old Angel Mist


  1. I want to buy three Dendrocalamus Minor Amoenus
    (Angel Mist)plants and have them shipped to Galveston, Texas. Contact me

  2. if you are interested in purchasing bamboo, please contact us through our website,

  3. Your bamboo is gorgeous. I recently purchased angel mist bamboo, and am now afraid of planting it. Literature said it is 10ft at maturity. What happens after that? Does it continue to send up shoots and grow beyond the 10 ft circumference?

    1. Thank you.
      Bamboo will continue to send up new canes once it is mature. You can easily control the growth of any clumping bamboo by just knocking over any unwanted, new canes. Also, once it is as large as you would like it to get, you may cut back the fertilizer and water to slow the growth.
