

A customer shares Before and After pictures

Hi, Sherry,

When we came out a month or two ago and picked up some "Yin-Yang", Wamin and Lady Fingers, you told me I should be sending pics of our bamboos as they progress.  
Here's a few (better late than never?).  These show the Bambusa Dolichomerithalla "Silverstripe" plants we got from you in May.  They have transformed from 3 wispy little plants...

 First filling in with nice green leaves...

 Then at the end of June, our first shoot (viewed with exaggerated excitement here):

A couple of weeks later,  this is that same shoot:

The sheaths showed the "silver stripes" we've been expecting, but the culms are solid green underneath:


New growth started appearing so frequently we lost track.

By November, we've gone from 10 small culms to over 30.  Some taller than the house.  We actually had one new shoot after Halloween.  It's reached full height, but hasn't put out much in the way of leaves. We can't wait till those glass doors are well shaded (at this rate, I'm thinking next year for sure).

 Here's a closeup--new camera for Christmas! :)

 Here's our single Yin-Yang culm, with the silverstripes blurred in the background.


And here's the "blue moon"--full on New Year's Eve--actually looking blue behind the silverstripe.  It was beautiful!

I expect this next summer to be when the yard really starts to transform.  With this wall nicely started and the yin-yang and dwarf buddha belly clumps gearing up, it should be quite the show!

Looking forward to our next visit to your farm (maybe this weekend if you're in?).  Hope the New Year finds you well!  Thanks for the great bamboo and advice.  We're having a ball!


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