

Another photo of a bamboo wedding arch

So many of our customers purchase bamboo poles to build beautiful but inexpensive wedding arches or chuppahs. The customer who sent the photo below used the poles for a beach wedding.  When that is done, usually 10' long poles are needed so that about 2' of the pole can be buried in the sand.  The remaining 8' is high enough for the wedding party to stand under while still having plenty of height left over to drape fabric over the top, as shown in the picture.  Any of our different types of bamboo poles work well for a wedding arch but the imported poles and the domestically grown designer poles are the most popular. 


West Indies Resort Wear uses Beautiful Bamboo poles in recent show display

"I've been told I have the BEST booth in the show," writes the owner of West Indian Resort Wear.  The repeat customer used our Designer-quality Domestically-grown bamboo poles to display her selection of sarongs, tees, resort wear, jewelery and other tropical-themed products at a recent trade show in Orlando. 

Arrow running bamboo

Below are several photos of Arrow running bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica) in 3-gal and 7-gal containers.

Arrow is unique among running bamboos because it tends to combine features of a running bamboo with those of a clumping variety. A cluster of canes will grow together and then a few feet away more clusters will appear. Another unique characteristic of Arrow is the way this bamboo's large leaves appear only on the upper third of the plant. Very tropical looking, Arrow does well in large containers. Although it likes sun, Arrow also thrives in shady locations. 

As you can see from the pictures, the bamboos are bursting out of the plastic pots.  Once planted, the runners will take off and send up multiple new shoots.

 Above and below:  3-gal Arrow
Below:  7-gal Arrow
Below:  7-gal Arrow
 Another close up shot of all the canes in the 7-gal Arrow.
The photo below shows a hedge of Arrow bamboo at our nursery.


Another bamboo bike built from Beautiful Bamboo poles

Another bamboo bike built with poles from Beautiful Bamboo.  Our customer, who is from Kansas City, Missouri, chose to use the Domestically Grown, Designer-Quality bamboo for most of the larger pieces as well as a few smaller diameter pieces of homegrown bamboo. 


Bamboo Tipi

There are many uses for bamboo poles. Chris from Weirsdale, FL used some of our homegrown poles as the supports for a tipi.  The poles, all less than 2" diameter and between 12' - 15' long, were slender and lightweight.

"Easy to work with. I love them!" Chris wrote.




A year of bamboo prompts words of appreciation

A customer writes:

Hi, Sherry & Ralph
I just wanted to say what an excellent 1st year the bamboo had. I promise to take some photos "before & after"  and send them to you by US-Mail. The "baby blues" and "emerald" have done great. I think because of the way I planted it, the mound method is the way to go. I hope to see you in March, I want to buy a few more "emeralds" you know , "There's always room for more bamboo!" I love it. Have a Great New Year!.. James D.


A customer shares Before and After pictures

Hi, Sherry,

When we came out a month or two ago and picked up some "Yin-Yang", Wamin and Lady Fingers, you told me I should be sending pics of our bamboos as they progress.  
Here's a few (better late than never?).  These show the Bambusa Dolichomerithalla "Silverstripe" plants we got from you in May.  They have transformed from 3 wispy little plants...

 First filling in with nice green leaves...

 Then at the end of June, our first shoot (viewed with exaggerated excitement here):

A couple of weeks later,  this is that same shoot:

The sheaths showed the "silver stripes" we've been expecting, but the culms are solid green underneath:


New growth started appearing so frequently we lost track.

By November, we've gone from 10 small culms to over 30.  Some taller than the house.  We actually had one new shoot after Halloween.  It's reached full height, but hasn't put out much in the way of leaves. We can't wait till those glass doors are well shaded (at this rate, I'm thinking next year for sure).

 Here's a closeup--new camera for Christmas! :)

 Here's our single Yin-Yang culm, with the silverstripes blurred in the background.


And here's the "blue moon"--full on New Year's Eve--actually looking blue behind the silverstripe.  It was beautiful!

I expect this next summer to be when the yard really starts to transform.  With this wall nicely started and the yin-yang and dwarf buddha belly clumps gearing up, it should be quite the show!

Looking forward to our next visit to your farm (maybe this weekend if you're in?).  Hope the New Year finds you well!  Thanks for the great bamboo and advice.  We're having a ball!
